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A modern business is always evolving and looking for ways to improve its operations. The way your internal processes work often reflects on communication with customers and service quality. If you seek to grow and expand, you can’t rely on traditional business and document archiving methods.

One of the biggest challenges in digitizing your business is replacing physical document management and storage. When you archive important information in a physical place, you risk losing or damaging data, human errors, and need to invest more in storage space and human resources. Physical storage space must meet all security standards such as a fire alarm system, access control, locks, etc. And let’s not forget about all that paper waste.

But the great news is that an electronic archive can help you solve all these problems. Yes, there’s a way to archive documents and contracts safely, with just a few clicks of a button.

What’s Cloud archive?

Cloud archive is an electronic archiving system designed to store and secure documents and customer information in a digital environment.

Let’s take the healthcare sector for example. Your clinic got a new patient, and for you to provide proper treatment, you have to collect information about that person’s health and conditions, obtain their consent, and other agreements.

Manually, this process would take a lot of time, but digital storage allows you to securely archive their information and access it whenever you need it. Unlike physical archiving space, you can access your document with only a key phrase or main details.

But that’s just a few benefits of an electronic system. Let’s see how it can benefit your business more.

10 Cloud archive benefits for your business

1. Data security

The digital archive provides exceptional levels of security. First, you can activate two-factor authentication to ensure secure access for authorized users. Second, a digital system allows role-based log-in, meaning that each employee or authorized party can have different access rights. Trace logs show user activity and log-ins. And third, when it comes to data transfer, you can use encryption technology to secure private information during transfer.

2. Sustainable business practices

Sustainable business development isn’t only a nice phrase to add to your business description. Sustainability is an integral part of a modern company that seeks to attract customers and investments.

The most important part about sustainability is that even baby steps matter. And the great way to start is by adopting paperless practices. Cloud archive is your go-to tool for ditching paper and embracing eco-friendly operations. Just by replacing paper with a digital archive for your document storage and control, you can save tons of paper and adopt restorative practices.

3. Avoid human errors

We all are humans and humans make mistakes. They can even make them on a digital archive, but the chances of that happening are much lower. This is because the system takes over archiving and presenting the information. Also, cloud archive limits storing mistakes such as damaging or losing documents due to human error.

4. Faster information processing

You can forget about a long and tiresome search going through piles of documents in physical storage space.

A digital archiving system collects and keeps all your data for as long as you need it. Therefore, no matter how old the information is, you can find it just by writing down a key phrase or date when the document was saved.

5. Automated document disposal

According to GDPR requirements, after the customer contract expires, the company must destroy all their information to protect customers’ privacy. It can get complicated dealing with paper documents because you physically have to shred piles of paper and ensure that nothing slips your watch.

Cloud archive allows deleting information with one click of a button without wasting your time or putting customer data at risk. The system automatically deletes outdated information based on the GDPR requirements without leaving a trace.

6. GDPR compliance

When dealing with paper documents, you risk violating GDPR requirements. For instance, your customer puts their email in the wrong way, or you can’t identify the correct spelling, and by accident send an email to the wrong person. This way, you might risk a fine or even a lawsuit. Or, if the information is incorrect, you simply lose further communication opportunities with the customer.

A digital archive is fully GDPR-compliant, which eases managing customer data, deleting expired accounts, and ensuring effortless communication with clients. Also, a digital system gives you the advantage of better readability, and it automatically notifies a customer if some piece of information is missing.

7. Saved costs on storage space and human resources

Handling sensitive customer information is meticulous work. You have to ensure security, storage space, and find people who could manage the archive, audit data, and make sure everything is intact. That costs a lot of additional expenses, and when the business is growing and the number of documents multiples each day, the job becomes more and more challenging.

Electronic archive saves you from trouble and extra expenses because the digital environment can store an unlimited amount of files without the need for more employees or additional physical space. Every authorized employee can access data and manage it on the go.

8. Accurate business statistics

When you use pen and paper, how do you track your company’s progress? Do you count all the contracts signed or try to guess? None of that sounds like an effective way to measure your business growth.

Electronic document archive, on the other hand, gives you a full overview of your business activity. You can see what time you had the most customers and signed contracts, and compare this data based on the time of the day, week, or month. You can also choose the UNIT activity option, which allows seeing data from a specific city or location.

9. Protection from physical damage

Storing physical paper documents makes them susceptible to water, temperature changes, and other damage. When you archive records in a digital environment, you don’t need to worry that something will happen to those files. Unlike a physical archive, a digital archive can be updated with the latest security software and other technologies that work in boosting your data safety. As all data is stored on the cloud, the information will remain intact even if you damage one of the devices.

10. Fast data audit

Most businesses commit to regular data audits to ensure that every piece of information is secure and in place. With manual archiving tools, this task can become challenging as the paper is more prone to damage and deterioration, not to mention time wasted checking all the files.

Cloud archive can be customized to your business processes to perform data audits whenever you plan on doing them. A digital system processes data faster, doesn’t miss any detail, and notifies you if something is, in fact, missing.

Sign on Tab electronic document archive

Sign on Tab is a multifunctional tool designed for a business that seeks to be among industry-leading companies. We offer a digitally captured signature feature and Cloud archive to store and protect your customers’ information.

Our archiving solution meets all the functionality listed above and can give your business a push towards digitalization and sustainable practices. Lets talk and discuss how cloud archive can benefit Your business – book a demo with us.

Document management and archiving is a challenging job for a business. Documents and customer information can be easily damaged or lost, not to mention significant paper document logistics and archiving costs. We live in a digital age that calls for innovative and smart solutions. Paper documents and traditional document management methods can’t satisfy a growing business and today’s consumer.

It inspires advanced and creative tools that could help you go paperless and reduce administrative work.

Digitally captured signature is one way to reduce paper usage in your business operations and ensure better data quality and security.

Digitally captured signature

Nowadays, you can find countless e-signature options. Unlike most of the solutions out there, a digitally captured signature is unique. This feature allows you to sign documents and contracts by hand but in a digital environment.

The signing process is the same as signing a paper document, but instead of putting a signature on paper, your clients put it on the tablet screen.

A customer signs with a finger or with a special active pen that allows the system to identify the unique characteristics of that person. However, more biometric data can be gathered by signing with an active pen.

The feature lets the customer sign even if they don’t have digital authentication tools such as a qualified signature. This way, you reach a wider range of clients and make the customer experience effortless.

Digitally captured signature benefits managing digital data

It might be tricky to understand the role of a digitally captured signature in a digital environment at first, but don’t worry, we have you covered. Let’s walk through some benefits of a digitally captured signature when going paperless.

Biometric information and increased data security

A digitally captured signature has the same legal power as a traditional signature on paper. But because the signature is written on a digital platform, the system can identify individual biometric details.

Biometric information can be used to identify a particular person. It collects data about the tilt angle, velocity, and imprint depth of a pencil.

Documents signed on a digital environment are stored in the same digital system or your business CRM/ERP storage space. The system then protects customer signatures and data with the electronic seal technology and encryption code. These measures ensure that only authorized users can access information, and no details will be lost in a data transfer process.

The convenience of going paperless

You don’t need to print a pile of documents just to collect one signature. Your customers can sign contracts and other files directly on a tablet and immediately get their own copy sent to their email, saving time and archiving space.

Multiple signing options

Because of the unique nature of the digitally captured signature, companies working with customers, who don’t have electronic authentication tools, can serve a much larger client base.

However, for your convenience, most of these tools also allow signing documents using a qualified signature.

This way, the signature method facilitates the signing process in physical locations where customers don’t have an opportunity to use electronic authentication tools.

That leads us to the main difference between a digitally captured signature and a qualified signature. Using only a digital signature limits your ability to serve clients who don’t use digital authorization tools (qualified signature). A digitally captured signature on a digital platform solves this problem and enables you to serve more clients and enhance your service quality.

Sign on Tab digitally captured signature

Sign on Tab system provides customers with a dual tool – a digitally captured signature and a document archiving solution. If you work with paper documents, contracts, and other information, you probably know how inconvenient it can get.

Storing and distributing paper is dangerous as you risk losing important data or the ability to contact customers because of invalid information. The Sign on Tab solves this problem by delivering one digital tool to store and archive all your documents. It allows archiving an unlimited amount of records, securing them with a special electronic seal and encryption code.

Learn how Your business can benefit from digitally captured signatures – book a demo with us.

With countries worldwide battling the COVID-19 crisis, there is more hope that the hospitality sector will see a surge in travelers and locals who wish to shake up their leisure time. That being said, it’s important to prepare for high demand to ensure smooth service for everyone.

However, it’s not as simple when a hotel or other hospitality business uses paper documents and manual processes to collect and archive customer information. If your business grows or seeks to grow, you might consider digitizing at least some of its operations. And we can say that document archiving is a smart first move. But let’s see why.

Why do hotels need a digital signing solution and archiving software?

Process digitalization is often an obvious next step for a growing business to expand more and handle growing customer traffic more effectively. But more customers isn’t the only reason to switch to digital tools.

In fact, a digital archiving and signing solution can help you:

With Sign on Tab, you benefit from reducing these complicated processes and ensuring easier and smoother working for yourself and pleasant service for customers.

Sign on Tab is a digital document signing and archiving solution designed for different industries, hospitality included. Our multifunctional tools allow to manage and store documents, or capture customer signatures digitally. We believe that each business can benefit from going digital, especially in a vastly developing market where adopting the newest technologies is the only way to grow.

But it’s not only a necessity, it has many perks for hospitality businesses like yours.

Benefits of electronic archive and document management systems for Hospitality companies

Digital printing

Our Virtual printing product facilitates information transfer process. You only need to fill out the information in your property management system (PMS). Instead of printing it on paper, the digital printer functionality automatically prints it on a tablet screen.

The process is as simple as it sounds: An employee fills out details about a customer and their stay on a PMS system. When the information is ready, they can print it out on a tablet. Then the customer finishes filling out their data, signs a document using a digitally captured signature functionality, and the document is saved on the electronic archive. This way, you don’t need to bother with printing multiple copies of paper and asking your visitors to fill and sign them.

Digital registration cards

Digital card functionality can be used with no integration. It’s a convenient way to collect information from visitors, register it, and save it on a digital archive with only a few clicks of a button. It’s a fast and reliable way to get customer information and store it without any need for a physical archive.

You can easily access registration cards for as long as you are required to save them. This way, it’s easier to confirm customer’s data and find it if there’s a need.

Signing via link

Don’t waste time by asking customers to fill out reservation cards on arrival because you can do that in advance. Customers can fill out all the necessary information to book a room or any other service you provide that requires booking in advance. When customers arrive, they will only need to sign the confirmation, which can also be done with Sign on Tab digitally captured signature.

Digital archive

E-archive is an electronic archiving system designed to store and secure documents and customer information in a digital environment. Digital storage makes everything faster. You can find all the needed information with a few clicks or a keyphrase. The system can perform data audits based on your timeline, protect information with double authentication and access rights. And all this can be done on the go, you don’t need to hire more employees to monitor electronic storage.

GDPR compliance

Sign on Tab is GDPR compliant, meaning that the system ensures that all your operations meet the regulations. It can be tricky to ensure compliance dealing with paper documents when customers tend to make more mistakes, information can be unreadable or damaged.

But the system takes that pressure off you and ensures data quality, and provides necessary agreements and conditions to make sure your customers read and are aware of mutual responsibilities and data management.

Benefits for customers

Now let’s talk about customers. Don’t ignore the importance of good customer service. Customer service quality determines client satisfaction, loyalty, and recommendations. And what is a better way to make your customers happy and coming back than making services fast, efficient, and error-free.

Automated email copies

Your customers are probably tired of dealing with piles of documents they need to fill out, sign, and have copies of. Those paper copies are often lost or damaged and then can’t be used in case customers need to prove their information.

A digital system is a simple solution as it allows filling out information just once, signing it, and sending a copy to the customer’s email, where they can access them any time.

Fast registration process

Improve your customer service and satisfaction by introducing a fast and efficient information fill-out process. Our digital system allows adding information only necessary for a particular customer. You can use dynamic field functionality that adds additional information for a customer to fill out if their choice requires more details.

Efficient service

When your customers have to fill out piles of documents and information, their satisfaction drops. A digital signing and document archiving solution optimizes customer service time and makes your service more efficient.

If a contract takes too long to complete, you can optimize it by deleting unnecessary parts or adding dynamic fields. After some time, you can compare data from before and after optimization to see how much time it has saved and whether it affects customer service.

Sign on Tab solution for the hospitality sector

We understand how important it is for a hospitality business to ensure smooth and efficient service for its customers. We also believe that the digitalization of your operations is key to satisfactory customer service. Why waste your time and money on outdated working methods when you can embrace modernization, reduce paper waste, save resources, and ensure faster service for customers.

In these times, the medical centers and clinics need as much support as possible. From public to private sectors being alarmingly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses must find ways to boost their service and patient support.

We believe that one of the ways to help healthcare service providers be more resilient is through digital technologies and paperless practices. It might not sound obvious, but there are many ways how digital document management and archiving could reduce archiving space, improve sanitation protocol, and let doctors and other medical staff focus on patients rather than administrative work.

In this article, we want to guide you through the benefits of digital document management and archiving tools for healthcare service providers.

What is digital document archiving?

Digital document archiving or e-archive is a virtual storage unit where you can save and secure customer and patient data. Unlike a physical archive, e-storage allows archiving an unlimited amount of information with no additional human resources needed.

This functionality is crucial for healthcare service providers. Many clinics express the same concern – how to manage an ever-growing paper document archive. More documents need more space, even though not all clinics can afford to increase their archive.

This problem is especially troubling for small clinics that would rather have more space for the workplace than waste it on a physical archive.

If you’re wondering about why waste space on a bigger archive when you can have all your documents in a digital environment, Sign on Tab has a solution. Sign on Tab offers an electronic document archive and digital templates with digitally captured signature. These functionalities speed up procedures, patient admission, and help gain market advantage, and most importantly, eliminate the need for a physical document archive.

Why do healthcare service providers need digital tools?

Correctly chosen operational tools can be transformational to the business. Here are just a few reasons why Sign on Tab might be the right solution for you:

If any of these sounds familiar, then we have a perfect solution for your business and your customers’ problems.

Sign on Tab digital solution benefits for healthcare service providers

Virtual printer to replace ordinary printer

Virtual printing solution allows you to facilitate the information transfer process. You only need to fill out the information in your current healthcare management system. Instead of printing copies on paper, virtual printer functionality automatically “prints” information on a tablet screen.

Then the patient can finish filling out their data, sign a document using a digitally captured signature functionality, and document is saved on the electronic archive.

Easy integration through API

While most of our clients don’t need special integration, some clinics can benefit from integration with their document management systems. Depending on the management system you use to generate documents, you can choose fast and easy integration through APIs with our API integration product.

The process is as simple as it gets. Some of the systems we do integrations with are Dental4windows, Cliniccards. If you’re using another software, we will see your options and guide you through the integration process with ease.

Digital document templates

Why waste time creating new documents each time you need to complete a form. Instead, we prepared multiple digital document templates to expedite your work. You only need to click on the section in the document window to choose one of the pre-made templates.

You can also create your own templates with your clinic’s branding and information tailored to your patients to have those forms at hand. If you wish to customize templates, we can do it for you. Just let us know and our design and development teams will make sure new document templates represent your business and improves your service quality. Once we have updated your document forms, all your departments or clinics will automatically receive new templates.

Digital is better than paper

Digital documents have many advantages over paper. You don’t have to waste time filling out the same information over and over again. You can easily fill out, sign, and store digital copies and access them with just a few clicks of a button. In addition, you can also add all the necessary agreement forms and disclaimers to make sure patients are aware of your conditions.

Unlike paper, digital documents aren’t susceptible to physical damage. We also ensure top-notch cybersecurity to keep your information safe. From the latest technological advancements to increased security measures, we provide exceptional data protection.

How can Sign on Tab improve your customer service?

We make sure that patients also receive the benefits of the Sign on Tab’s digital cloud archive.

Faster procedures

Nowadays, many people choose private clinics over the public sector. For that, they might go to multiple establishments for different concerns. However, that can be annoying as each clinic asks to fill out health history papers, consent forms, and other formalities to register a new patient.

No one who comes to a doctor wants to spend the majority of the time filling out pages of information. Sign on Tab’s digital document management solution takes away this burden. Using it, patients can consent to the clinic to transfer their data or just fill it out digitally and sign it using a digitally captured signature functionality.

To make it even more convenient, you can turn some questions into checklists or dynamic fields to make the process even faster. Dynamic fields allow adding additional information for customers to fill out if their choice requires more details. This way they don’t need to spend time writing down unnecessary data.

Digital copies

When your patients sign registration cards or any other documents using Sign on Tab, you can immediately send form copies to patients’ emails.

A digital system is a simple solution as it allows filling out information just once, signing it, and sending a copy to the customer’s email, where they can access them any time.

More security over private data

When we talk about digital storage security advantages over the physical archive, it’s important to mention two factors.

First are the physical factors such as heat, water, and other environmental damage that can harm paper documents over time. The electronic archive isn’t affected by environmental factors.

Secondly, the digital archive uses cybersecurity measures to ensure data protection. And while you might have heard growing online world threats, cybersecurity is developing each day. With our tool, you can activate two-factor authentication to ensure secure access for authorized users. You can also use role-based log-in for extra security, meaning that each employee or trusted party can have different access rights.

This way, your patients don’t need to worry about their data safety and can enjoy the benefits.

Sign on Tab digital signing solution and Cloud archive

We understand how important it is for healthcare service providers to ensure smooth and efficient service for their patients. We also believe that the digitalization of your operations is key to satisfactory customer service.

So, in summary, the Sign on Tab solution:

Digitize your documents and signing procedures with Sign on Tab – contact us and book a demo.