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How Sign On Tab works


  • How can Sign on Tab benefit my healthcare organization?

    With Sign on Tab, healthcare facilities can transition towards a more efficient, secure, and environmentally conscious document management method. Patients will experience smoother interactions, reduced paperwork, and increased data privacy, while healthcare professionals can focus more on delivering quality care rather than getting bogged down in administrative tasks.

  • Can I use Sign on Tab only for signing?

    No, signing is a small part of what Sign on Tab offers. We are a fully-fledged paperless toolkit for healthcare - complete form filling with check-boxes, conditional fields, mandatory/optional fields, validations, remote filling engine and many others.

  • How can I try Sign on Tab in my organization?

    Contact one of our healthcare experts by sending an email to or calling +370 609 76005.


  • Can Sign on Tab be connected to my Information System/EHR?

    Yes! We easily integrate into any HIS/RIS/LIS/EMR/SAP/EHR via API.

  • How does the connection between Sign on Tab and Information System/EHR work?

    Coming soon.

  • Where are the signed forms stored?

    You have the option to either use our e-archive, which is hosted on Amazon Web Services, or you can choose to use your storage facility.

  • Can I use Sign on Tab as a part of my Healthcare Information System?

    Yes, Sign on Tab form filling and signing engine can be inserted into any other system as SDK, therefore your employees will not have to learn how to use many different systems.

  • Can I use my Information System on the same tablet as Sign on Tab?

    Yes, as Sign on Tab operates on simple Android or iOS devices, other systems can also be used on the same devices.


  • Can doctors and patients sign the same document?

    Sign on Tab cover all healthcare signing scenarios, meaning that the patient and doctor can sign the same document while being together, or at different times (eg. the doctor can sign the document in advance and the patient might sign at the admission office).

  • Can patients fill documents remotely?

    Yes, Sign on Tab offers an engine for sending your patients secure emails upon their arrival to the facility to give patients time to read through and collect data. This allows minimising patient time spent at the reception filling documents.

  • Which tablets can I use?

    Our app works natively on Android and Apple devices. Windows touch-screen devices are supported as well.

  • Does Sign on Tab support my language?

    Templates in the Sign on Tab can be created in any language. The application itself depends on the device's language.


  • Will documents be valid in court?

    Sign on Tab follows recommendations from ENFHEX (ENFSI), therefore the signature examination can be properly performed by forensic handwriting examiners in case of a dispute.

  • Digital signatures are not valid in my country. Can I use Sign on Tab?

    As Sign on Tab biometrical signature is as legal as written on paper, Sign on Tab can be used in almost all countries. Please contact us to find out more information on those exceptions.

  • How can I be sure that my patient data is secure?

    We are using the highest security standards, with the help of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Key Management Service (KMS) system. More information is here. Sign on Tab is also ISO certified (ISO27001).

  • Does Sign on Tab provide activity logs or audit trails for security purposes?

    Every action, every click is being tracked by our software and all the logs can be easily accessed by our customers. This ensures the highest patient data security.