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Case study


Affidea specializes in diagnostic imaging, outpatient consultations, primary health care, vaccinations, laboratory tests, sports medicine, rehabilitation. There are 24 clinics in Lithuania, ±400 000 patients served per annum.

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Before Sign on Tab

Challenges that led to digitalization


Complex consent form management: Affidea maintains over 200 consent forms in three different languages


Complex consent storage: employees dedicate substantial time to preparing documents for archiving. Each clinic maintained dedicated rooms for consent archiving, as legal requirements mandate retention for 15 years from the most recent visit

Time-consuming process for patients: numerous data fields must be completed for consent and subsequently stored in HIS systems


Managing non-digital data is challenging: data recorded on paper forms hinders its utilization in patient data analysis and integration with internal medical systems


Affidea implements Sign on Tab to for paperless consent signing and archiving

Improved operational efficiency

Consent form filling time reduced from 15min. to 7 min. - almost by 50%

Faster patient handling processes with reduced manual data input work.

Reduced storage costs

Storage costs stopped increasing.

Around 800.000 sheets of paper - equal to 4 tons - are saved due to digitized processes.

Increased client satisfaction

No need to fill-in data during every visit which saves time and energy.

Enhanced the clinic's image and reputation for being innovative, efficient, and high-quality.

The most satisfying is not just the fact that process became more simple and faster but also knowing that we contribute to sustainability and the protection of the environment which has a growing concern lately.

Daiva Adomaitienė

Quality Manager


Overall achievements

Digital forms have had a remarkable impact on sustainability by digitizing management of the consent forms. The automated selection of consent forms and seamless data transfer between the consent form and the HIS system have significantly reduced the risk of human errors. Both employees and patients have expressed high satisfaction with the implemented solution.

Employees allocate additional time and effort towards delivering enhanced services and care to patients, ensuring their needs are met with greater attention and diligence.

Around 750 thousand consent forms annually are signed digitally which results in incremental cost saving for paper.

The quality of service improved due to the enhanced level of care and attention provided to patients, resulting in a more satisfactory overall experience.

The level of patient data errors has decreased significantly as a result of a streamlined data entry process.

The confidence in data security and safety is evident and reassuring.

Flexible solution allows to implement digitalization goal step by step and expand it throughout important internal processes.